
A Hack For Taking Back Your Time.

How often do you find yourself doing something that you didn't intend to do? Checking your email? Scrolling through your socials? Sending a quick message? All of these tiny things eat our time. And tiny things add up.

I've just discovered a stupidly simple hack that's revolutionised my productivity over the last two weeks. I bet you won't guess what it is. Watch the video below to find out! 👇

#IMPACT #Productivity #Leadership

Planning Something Different For 2023.

No doubt you’ll be reviewing achievements and disappointments from the year just ending and setting goals and objectives for the year ahead but I think there’s something even more important for leaders to contemplate.

I’d like to bring a slightly different perspective to your end-of-year reflection and planning so join me in this video and let me know if you can answer the key leadership question I raise.

#dominiccolenso #impact #leadership