
Is Your Sales Follow-up Boring?

We’ve all had salespeople call on us to pitch a product or service. Most of them do some sort of follow-up and these days that’s usually an email. Pretty predictable and boring!

I’m not saying never use email; far from it. But that’s what almost everyone does.

What if there was a way to make your sales follow-up much more engaging and dynamic? What if you could extend your impact with energy and a sense of personal connection?

There is, and I’ll show you how in the video.

#dominiccolenso #sales #impact

The Logical Next Step.

Sales professionals are usually pretty ambitious people who work hard to close deals and hit their targets. Those very strengths can sometimes get in the way.

In this quick video, I’ll show you the common sales habit that will spoil a great presentation and risk killing off a good deal and what to do instead. We’ve all done it so don’t feel bad if this resonates.


#dominiccolenso #sales #impact

Powerful Hybrid Sales Meetings.

Connecting with every person in a meeting is hard enough when everyone’s there in person. It got harder when everything had to go virtual, but we all learned how to do that.

It’s even more complex now, with some people back in the office and others dialling in remotely. Selling in hybrid meetings demands a new set of skills.

Watch this one-minute video to see if you are doing the one thing that will help you to connect with those who are dialling in.

#dominiccolenso #sales #hybridmeetings