The Logical Next Step.

Sales professionals are usually pretty ambitious people who work hard to close deals and hit their targets. Those very strengths can sometimes get in the way.

In this quick video, I’ll show you the common sales habit that will spoil a great presentation and risk killing off a good deal and what to do instead. We’ve all done it so don’t feel bad if this resonates.


#dominiccolenso #sales #impact

Ever Been Ghosted by a Prospect?

Do you find follow-up after a sales call frustrating? Sending emails and leaving voicemail messages that never get a response? That’s when the self-doubt starts to kick in.

It’s very seldom that the first sales conversation with a new prospect ends with a confirmed order. And when your follow-up efforts get no reaction it’s easy to second-guess yourself and worry about whether you’ve done something wrong or annoyed the prospect.

I’d like to share a simple approach I’ve been using for years that practically guarantees that you will get commitment to that all-important next appointment. It’s in the video.

#dominiccolenso #sales #communication

Can Story Liven Up Your Sales Conversations?

Can Story Liven Up Your Sales Conversations?

A few months ago I was having a pint with a mate of mine and he seemed a bit agitated. I asked him what was going on. “Let’s get another round, and I’ll tell you,” he said, rolling his eyes.

I’d scarcely got the drinks back to the table, and he was off. He launched into a tirade about a meeting at work the previous week and how unimpressed he was…

Be More Blockbuster.

When clients or prospects walk into a meeting to listen to your sales pitch they have a million things on their minds. Most of those have nothing to do with you, your product or service.

Your challenge is to cut through those distractions and keep them on the edge of their seats, hanging out for the climax of your story.

Blockbuster movies do this much better than arthouse films. I’ll show you the Hollywood success formula so that you can apply it to boost your sales results. Press Play.

#dominiccolenso #impact #communication


I can’t think of a single time that a spreadsheet or graph on its own has persuaded me to buy something. Can you?

I can see all the rational benefits and still not be moved to make a purchase.

The same goes for your prospects unless you change the game. Imagine how much easier it would be to close sales if you could just get them to truly engage. How would that feel?

Watch this short video to tap into the power of your prospects’ brains.

 #dominiccolenso #sales #impact #leadership #resilience #communication

Facts Tell, Stories Sell.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. That’s usually meant as a criticism of politicians or sensationalist journalism but it makes an important point.

Humans are hard-wired to respond emotionally to a powerful, evocative story. So why do we so often abandon that in our sales conversations?

Want to strike the right balance between data and narrative? I’ll show you how in this video.

#IMPACT #Leadership #Breathe

Powerful Hybrid Sales Meetings.

Connecting with every person in a meeting is hard enough when everyone’s there in person. It got harder when everything had to go virtual, but we all learned how to do that.

It’s even more complex now, with some people back in the office and others dialling in remotely. Selling in hybrid meetings demands a new set of skills.

Watch this one-minute video to see if you are doing the one thing that will help you to connect with those who are dialling in.

#dominiccolenso #sales #hybridmeetings

Fix Your Sales Pitch in Under 90 Seconds.

The starter’s gun fires. The sprinters drive hard off their starting blocks and seem to fly over the hurdles in their lanes. It’s neck and neck until all of a sudden the unexpected happens. One of the athletes clips the top of the last hurdle and tumbles headlong to the ground, with the winner’s tape tantalisingly out of reach. Sadly, that’s what happens time and time again to sales presentations that have been otherwise well prepared and faultlessly delivered - until that final moment. Result? No sale. Want to know how to fix this in less than 90 seconds?

#dominiccolenso #sales #impact